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the endocannabinoid system, science behind hemp, CBD

Ever wondered why human beings have such a long history of hemp use? In short, hemp is extremely well suited to human needs.

Humans have been known to utilize the hemp plant for both practical and medicinal purposes for thousands of years. It’s commonly cited as a remedy for a long and diverse list of physical symptoms, and recently, it’s become a go-to alternative approach to addressing pain, inflammation, anxiety, and more. 

CBD–A Driving Force

The truth is, hemp isn’t just a mysterious miracle remedy. There’s a fascinating science behind the effects that hemp has on the human body. The key compound at work in hemp is CBD–or cannabidiol, one of many cannabinoids present in the plant. 

What is The Endocannabinoid System?

When ingested, cannabinoids interact with the body in unique and impactful ways. In fact, there’s a certain naturally occurring system present in humans that is extremely well suited to process cannabinoids. Known as the endocannabinoid system, or the ECS, this network involves receptors that process CBD when we ingest hemp. 

Learning more about the ECS brings useful insights to how hemp can help manage a variety of symptoms and offer you relief in a unique and completely natural way. Check out Silver Rain’s breakdown on the endocannabinoid system for more fascinating information!


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